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7 Sins Of Blogger Outreach

Rolig Julkalender

7 Sins of Blogger OutReach

Real talk for real bloggers

One: Thou Shalt Not Spam

Sending out mass emails to bloggers who have no interest in your product or service is a surefire way to get your emails deleted and your reputation tarnished.

Do your research and only reach out to bloggers who are relevant to your niche.

And when you do reach out, make sure your email is personalized and relevant to the blogger's audience.

Two: Thou Shalt Not Be Self-Serving

When you reach out to a blogger, don't just focus on what you can get from them.

Instead, focus on what you can offer them.

Can you provide them with valuable content, guest blogging opportunities, or social media promotion?

Three: Thou Shalt Not Be Pushy

Don't expect bloggers to respond to your emails right away.

They're busy people with a lot on their plates.

If you don't hear back from a blogger within a few days, don't send them multiple follow-up emails.

Four: Thou Shalt Not Be Fake

Don't try to be someone you're not.

Bloggers can spot a fake a mile away.

Be yourself and be genuine in your interactions with them.

Five: Thou Shalt Not Be Afraid to Get Personal

The best way to build relationships with bloggers is to get personal.

Learn about their interests, their goals, and their challenges.

And be willing to share your own experiences and insights.

Six: Thou Shalt Not Give Up

Building relationships with bloggers takes time and effort.

Don't get discouraged if you don't see results right away.

Keep reaching out, keep providing value, and keep building relationships.

Seven: Thou Shalt Not Forget to Say Thank You

When a blogger does something for you, be sure to thank them.

A simple thank you email can go a long way in building a lasting relationship.
